Class of 1978 Mount Hoyoke College logo

Thank you for attending the reunion!

Posted in: Announcements

Dear Classmates,

We were delighted that so many of you joined us at our 45th reunion – and others took advantage of the virtual experiences that weekend. MHC Trivia in our dorm was fun and brought people together, and our campus tour included the amazing new Fimbel Maker and Innovation Lab in Prospect’s old dining room. The Laurel Parade and singing “Bread and Roses” with the class of 2021 brought back great memories. 

Classmates commented that they so enjoyed meeting those they did not know in the past and discovering the unique projects and experiences in which we are engaged. We are lifelong learners, and we have much to offer each other.

Our virtual “Road to Reunion” events in the past year were a success, so we will continue to build that program and those connections over the next five years. We plan to host two virtual events this fall, one on the importance of mentorship (September) and one on this year’s Common Read, Disability Visibility (December). We are also planning a mini-reunion October 20-21 in Washington, D.C. to coincide with the re-opening of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help us reach out and encourage classmates to join us or host an event (which can be as simple as going to a restaurant together!) Please send us suggestions for topics for our virtual programs, as well as mini-reunion locations. Our Class Facebook page is the place to go for pictures and videos, as well as information about upcoming events.

We wish you fun and relaxation during the summer months and look forward to connecting again in September. We have great hopes to see many more of you – online and in person – over the next five years!

Kathy and Patrice

P.S. Class dues are collected every five years on a sliding scale, $25 to $200. You can use this Paypal link to pay your dues by credit card or write a check to Mount Holyoke College Class of 1978 and mail to our Treasurer, Laura Barnard, at 23300 S. Woodland Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122.

Thank you!

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